Wayne State University Residence Halls
The 370-bed North Residence Hall was the first phase of the University’s goal of adding 5,000 housing units to the commuter campus. A budget of $125/sf was the major generator of the design for this design/build project which is a simple six-story masonry bearing wall and concrete plank structure arranged in a double-loaded corridor configuration. The majority of the building is comprised of two-bed apartments with bath, as well as a few single rooms. The first floor includes offices for the University’s housing administration, retail space, a cafeteria and the Warrior Grill.
The South Hall is a 6-story, 465-bed facility which utilizes the same architectural vocabulary as the North Hall for unity, including the glass bay windows which identify each of the three study/social lounges per floor. The South Hall’s U-shaped plan encloses a landscaped private courtyard for use by residents of both halls. A double height multi-use space serves as an anchor for the southern end of the courtyard and as a complement to the dining facility of the North Hall. A first floor enclosed link connects both buildings for the residents’ convenience. The kitchen/servery capacity was master planned to accommodate 800-900 students.