collaboration at new heights
Huntington Tower
Embedded in downtown Detroit, the Huntington Bank Tower stands as a notable addition to the city’s evolving skyline. The high-rise bridges the city’s historic + entertainment districts with an animated exterior that honors its surroundings while celebrating Huntington’s brand. Spanning 10 of 21 floors, the workplace offers spaces for team members to focus, collaborate, learn, recharge, and socialize, complemented by vibrant community areas.

Huntington Bank Tower occupies the final available parcel of land between the Detroit River and the city’s entertainment district. The opening of the development brought 750 team members to the city and opened multiple community spaces for public use including the flexible terrace and rooftop event spaces.

Huntington Bank Tower seamlessly blends 480,000 sf of workplace, retail and structured parking into one cohesive 21-story design response that emulates the scale, rhythm, and color of adjacent historic buildings while providing a modern response to its location within the city’s entertainment district. The flexible workspace supports multiple work modes while providing opportunities for collaboration, wellness and socialization. Access to natural light and visual connection to the city contributes to an active working environment that celebrates the Huntington Bank brand.

Our team utilized raised floor systems and reconfigurable wall systems in the open floor plates. These systems were strategically selected to accommodate the evolving workplace requirements of the bank, providing both growth and flexibility.
The Huntington Bank Tower stands out in office tower design in Detroit, being the first of its kind to utilize post-tensioned concrete. This innovative construction method allowed for 9” thick floor slabs leading to significant space savings of approximately 30 inches between floors and nearly 22 feet in overall height.